The Ontario Electrical League (Tri-County Chapter), Combined Metal Industries Inc. (CMI) and the Brant Community Healthcare System (BCHS) Foundation have partnered to provide a unique and innovative way to raise much-needed funds to support local healthcare. We are asking local businesses to donate between 10% and 100% of their scrap metal from their work sites.
CMI provides a ‘Weigh and Pay‘ program that offers a pick-up service combined with competitive program pricing for ALL scrap metal, including:
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact:
- Mal McEachern, OEL: 519-753-0465 or mal.mceachern@gilbertmceachern.ca
- Kirk Garner, CMI: 519-222-2923 or kgarner@combinedmetal.com
- Victor Becker: 226-802-2099 or victor.becker@electricalsafety.on.ca
- BCHS Foundation: 519-751-5510 or foundation@bchsys.org