Split the Pot Lottery Winner in Brant Supports BCHS Foundation!

BCHS Foundation supporter Lisa K., pictured with BCHS Foundation Executive Director Kari Wilson
6 Winners Share $30,000 in Early Rewards with Split the Pot Lottery!
Split the Pot Lottery’s first six early bird winners were announced today, one of whom is located in Brant and supported Brant Community Healthcare System through its foundation, Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation. Congratulations Lisa K!
Winners were drawn on Friday, May 17 and announced to the public on Tuesday, May 21 on the Split the Pot Lottery website and on their Meta page.
The Split the Pot Lottery is a partnership of 58 Ontario hospitals across the province , who have come together to bring you a groundbreaking way to win and support!
When you purchase your tickets and choose to support the BCHS Foundation, the proceeds directly benefit the purchase of medical equipment to support patient care at the Brant Community Healthcare System.
Support the BCHS by getting your tickets at splitthepot.ca and choosing ‘Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation’ at checkout.