“I owe them my life”
Natalie Radojcin and her boyfriend Chris Nichols were looking forward to welcoming a new baby boy into their lives.
If it hadn’t been for the excellent care and expertise Natalie received after giving birth, she may never have lived to bring her firstborn son home.
“I thought I was going to die,” Natalie recalled of the birth that left her bleeding profusely from a second-degree tear at the top of her uterus – adjacent to the main artery.
“I really didn’t think I would make it.”
Natalie gave birth to Dylan Radojcin-Nichols at Brantford General Hospital on Apr. 12. The bouncing baby boy was in perfect health, realizing all of his parents’ dreams.
“My pregnancy was perfect all along until I was 32-weeks and I went in for an ultrasound,” Natalie said.
The ultrasound showed that Natalie’s cervix was shortening, which necessitated steroid shots in case the baby was born prematurely.
“I also faced gestational diabetes, further along in my pregnancy, so I had to monitor my diet,” Natalie recalled.
On April 12 Natalie’s labour was induced. To help control her contractions she sat on an exercise ball in the hospital’s Labour and Delivery department.
Nurse Karly – Natalie was her first patient – “was there throughout the whole thing. She was really good at explaining how to actually push.”
Dylan was born naturally, without the need for medication or an epidural. Unfortunately for Natalie the second-degree tear caused extensive bleeding, even after she was stitched up.
“I knew something was up, something serious, when all of the nurses started coming in. I couldn’t stop bleeding and they couldn’t find the haemorrhage,” she said.
Fortunately, OB/Gyn., Dr. Joseph Azzam – who treated Natalie throughout her pregnancy and delivered Dylan – was able to swiftly locate the exact source of the tear.
“I remember Dr. Azzam saying ‘I need to take her to the operating room immediately,’” said Natalie.
“I could see my mom in the background and she was crying while she was talking to the nurse; I really knew there was something wrong, something serious.”
At that point, Natalie didn’t know if she would ever see her baby again.
“The last thing I said when I was talking to the anaesthesiologist was ‘so, am I going to make it out of here alive?’ and he said ‘yes, yes, yes, you will.’
“I was in shock, I didn’t know what to do. I just wanted to wake up and find that this was all a bad dream.”
Natalie did wake up and the first thing she remembers is seeing her sister by her bed, holding Dylan.
“Apparently, when I was first coming out of it I was talking about my sister a lot,” Natalie laughed. “And then I woke up and I got to hold my baby for the second time.”
Natalie spent two days in the post partum unit to this day continues to praise the remarkable nurses that cared for her.
“They were all so wonderful, they were so nice. If I had any questions they would answer them and if I rang the bell they would be there right away. They were very efficient and they used terms that a regular person understands.
“They also showed me things that I didn’t know because this was my first child. They were amazing”
Natalie says that you often only hear bad news about the Brant Community Healthcare System and BGH. She wants to help dispel the negativity.
“I never had an issue with anyone there at all,” Natalie said. “They know what they’re doing, they’re very knowledgeable.”
By telling her good news story, Natalie hopes to share that Brantford and Brant are well served by the BCHS.
“All of the bad news always gets out there quicker but when you hear someone’s good news story then people might rethink what they hear.
“Everyone who has a good story out there, don’t be shy – share it. There are more positives than negatives and the community will look at that in a better mindset.”
Dylan is thriving, gaining weight quickly. Natalie is healthy too and she and Chris have settled into parenthood with all the joy and dreams of a happy future that it brings.
“I owe them my life,” Natalie said of the BCHS. “Dr. Azzam saved my life.”
As Natalie and Chris know first-hand, when a health crisis or emergency affects you or a loved one, Brant Community Healthcare System is here to provide exceptional, professional and compassionate care in your time of need.
Behind each success of the Brant Community Healthcare System (BCHS) Foundation is the generosity of our community, our donors and volunteers. This continued commitment has enabled us to put our patients first by helping us to provide the right equipment, at the right time, when it matters most.
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