Your planned gift is a lasting reminder of how deeply you care about your community healthcare system.
Given the opportunity, most people would like to feel that they have made a difference in the lives of others and their community. Leaving a planned gift to the BCHS Foundation helps to ensure that future generations will continue to receive the highest quality healthcare at the BCHS.
A Gift of Life Insurance
The gift of life insurance can be an effective and affordable way to make a transformative gift to support local healthcare. When you give a gift through life insurance, you can give the BCHS Foundation access to the policy’s cash value during your lifetime, and also give a substantial gift later on in the form of the policy’s benefit.
How giving through Life Insurance works:
- Name the BCHS Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of a new policy. Any premiums will then be considered a donation and are eligible for a tax receipt
- Name the BCHS Foundation as owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. Any future premiums the individual pays will be considered a donation and are eligible for a tax receipt
- Retain ownership of the policy but designate BCHS Foundation as the beneficiary or one of the beneficiaries. Your estate then receives a tax receipt for the proceeds of the policy
For more information on gifts of life insurance, premium payments and overall benefits, please contact: Crystal Godwaldt, Associate Director BCHS Foundation at (519) 751-5544 ext. 2014 or by email crystal.godwaldt@bchsys.org
A Bequest in your Will
The most common type of planned gift is a bequest made through a will. By including a gift in your will, you are helping to pay for new patient equipment not supported by the Ministry of Health, support patient-centered care, and fund new and innovative technology.
Bequests and other planned gifts create a strong future for your local healthcare system. And a planned gift through a bequest may serve to significantly reduce (by means of tax credits), the tax payable on your final income tax return. Knowledgeable experts can help you to determine the type of planned gift that is right for you – we highly recommend that you speak with expert financial and estate planners in making your decision.
Please share your intention to make a planned gift. It is a good idea to make your loved ones aware of your intentions to support the BCHS Foundation in your estate plans.
If you are considering gift planning, or if you have already included the BCHS Foundation in your estate plans, we encourage you to please let us know! Discussing future needs of healthcare at the BCHS may help you decide how our gift is to be used.
We would also like to appropriately recognize your thoughtful intention. Your name will be recognized along with others who have demonstrated their commitment to the local healthcare at the BCHS. You will receive updates on the programs and activities of the BCHS Foundation, as well as invitations to special events.
In consultation, you may designate a particular purpose for which your bequest is to be used (such as Patient Equipment).
For more information on making a bequest, or to let us know the BCHS Foundation is in your estate plans, please contact:
Kari Wilson, Executive Director BCHS Foundation at (519) 751-5544 ext. 5509 or email kari.wilson@bchsys.org