EWYN Weight Loss Studio Supports Women’s Health and Breast Cancer Care

Pictured (left to right): Haidee Scheers, BCHS Foundation Special Events Co-Ordinator with EWYN Studios’ Connie, Nikki, Jaime and Kaitlyn.
The BCHS Foundation recently visited EWYN Weight Loss Studios Brantford to accept a generous donation of $500! Owner Kaitlyn Vandenberg and the EWYN Studios team held a successful weight loss challenge to support women’s health and breast cancer care at the Brant Community Healthcare System. Thank you to the EWYN team for their generous support!
If you are interested an hosting an event in support of local healthcare please contact Haidee Scheers, Development Coordinator Special Events at haidee.scheers@bchsys.org or 519-751-5544 x 2429