Brant Men of Song Donate Concert Proceeds to Support Top Priority Needs at BCHS

Brant Men of Song President Ralph Hastings pictured presenting Crystal Godwaldt, Associate Director of Development at the BCHS Foundation, with a cheque for $745.00 to support Top Priority Needs at the Brant Community Healthcare System.

The Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation wants to express our sincere gratitude to the Brant Men of Song, who recently donated proceeds of their June 11th concert honouring frontline workers.

Brant Men of Song President Ralph Hastings presented Crystal Godwaldt, Associate Director of Development at the BCHS Foundation, with a cheque for $745.00 to support Top Priority Needs at the Brant Community Healthcare System. Thank you Brant Men of Song for honouring frontline workers with your music and for your generous support of local health care!

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