Board of Directors Information
Contains Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation Bylaw excerpts
Qualifications of Directors
Every Director shall be eighteen (18) or more years of age and shall be a member in good standing of the Corporation, or shall become a member of the Corporation within ten (10) days after election or appointment as a Director and no un-discharged bankrupt shall become a Director.
No Excluded Person may be a Director.
Subject to (d) below, a Director must work or reside in the Catchment Area.
The Board, upon recommendation of the Governance Committee, may exempt up to two (2) elected Directors from residing in the Catchment Area upon election or re-election, provided that no more than two (2) elected Directors at any time are allowed to reside outside of the Catchment Area. If at any annual general meeting of the Corporation there are more than two (2) elected Directors who do not meet the requirements of (c) above, then the most recent Director(s) to cease to meet such requirements shall be deemed removed from the Board at the annual general meeting until the two (2) Director maximum is restored.
No Director shall serve as a Chair or Treasurer of the Board for more than three (3) consecutive annual terms in one office. However, following a break in continuous service for at least one year, the same person may be re-elected or re-appointed to any office.
Information About Becoming a Board Member
Remuneration of Directors
The Directors of the Corporation shall serve without remuneration and no Director shall directly or indirectly receive any profit from his position as such; provided that a Director may be paid reasonable expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties.
Criminal Record Search
Prospective Directors may be asked to provide a Police Record Check Clearance form as part of the process for acceptance to the Board of Directors.
Time Commitment of BCHS Foundation Board Members
New members should anticipate a significant time commitment, which will vary based upon issues that arise from time to time.
Regular Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every other month at 4:30 p.m. Generally, meetings are two hours in length. Board members should anticipate membership on one of the Standing Committees of the Board such as Audit, Finance & Investment or Governance. These committees generally meet two-to-three times during the fiscal year at 3:30 p.m., and are usually no more than one hour in length.
BCHS Foundation Board members are ambassadors of the Foundation and BCHS. As such, regular participation in Foundation, events and activities should be anticipated.
Board of Directors Competencies
General Competencies
1. Commitment to BCHS & Foundation
2. Philanthropic Leadership
3. Effective Communication & Advocacy Skills
4. Integrity
5. Strategic & Change Leadership
6. Political Acumen
7. Analytical Decision Making
8. Knowledge & Ties to the Community.
9. Access to Influential Network.
10. Creative Thinking.
11. Strategic Planning Experience
12. Cultural/Gender Diversity
Specific Competencies
1. Government Relations Expertise
2. Fundraising Solicitation Experience
3. Financial Management Expertise
4. Legal Expertise
5. HR/Executive Performance Review
6. Public Relations & Marketing Expertise
Board Expectations
1. Regular attendance at meetings and events
2. Participating/supporting BCHSF activities
3. Annual commitment to meaningful donation
4. Confidentiality
BCHS Foundation Board Accountabilities
Click here to download the current BCHS Foundation Financial Statement (PDF)
(Financial Statement updated March 2024)
Click here to download the current BCHS Foundation By-Laws (PDF)
(By-Laws updated June 2023)