MO STASH MOvember Loonie Toonie Auction
Once again, Joshua Wall and Tammy Hunt are hosting the 2024 MOSTASH MOvember Loonie and Toonie Auction for Men’s Health in Cancer Care. The Loonie and Toonie Auction is back for another year to support the Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation.
WHEN: Thursday, November 7th, 2024
WHERE The Polish Hall on Pearl St
If you’ve never been to a Loonie Toonie auction before, it’s a cross between a raffle and a traditional auction with a few unique twists:
- When a mystery box comes up for auction, the auctioneer announces the required bid.
- Interested bidders put in that amount of money to enter the auction.
- Instead of the highest bidder winning the item (as in a traditional auction), a random draw is made from the bidders.
- If your number is drawn, you win the box — regardless of how much you bid!
Doors open at 6 PM. Musical Performance by: Caribbean Kyle, Chris Strei, and Monique Hunsley Music. Food Catered By: Our Kitchen Brantford
Featuring model volunteers collecting bids and presenting the boxes to the MO STASH winners instantly!
Tickets are now available at