Donor Stories – The Rizzo Family

Sam and Terry Rizzo were married in 1958 and moved to Brantford shortly after. Together, they raised six children and inspired them to dream big and live life to the fullest. With the support of his family, Sam created a successful shoe empire that yielded lasting friendships with people around the globe. Terry nurtured and knit their family together with her beautiful spirit and loyal devotion.

In August 2003, Sam was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, which devastated both family and friends. Sam remained strong and fought valiantly without complaint, remaining steadfast in his belief that every day be fully lived. He continued to greet life with a smile and words of encouragement to those he met, notably at the Brantford General Hospital.

Sadly, on July 26, 2004, Sam lost his battle, leaving a devoted wife, his children, their spouses, fourteen grandchildren and his siblings with a legacy of love and unconditional support. In tribute to Sam and the care he received, Terry and family took up the mission of fundraising for an MRI at the Brantford General Hospital with vigour and enthusiasm.

After three successful Sam Rizzo Memorial Galas and countless fundraising events, coupled with private contributions and the commitment of individuals, organizations and businesses, the goal of purchasing an MRI for Brantford was realized. Since 2007, the Sam Rizzo MRI Suite has provided over 130,000 scans to patients in our community.

On October 14, 2021, Terry was called to eternal peace beside the love of her life; leaving the family devastated without their beloved matriarch. A  compassionate, graceful, generous and loving woman, Terry lived for her family and gave her heart fully to everyone she loved.

The Rizzo family has remained dedicated to investing in the Rizzo MRI Fund, not only as a tribute to Sam and now Terry, but also because of their deep belief in access to quality healthcare for everyone within the community.

On October 15th, 2024 this area was re-named the Sam & Terry Rizzo MRI Suite in recognition of two remarkable community builders and philanthropists whose kindness and generosity enable others to live their lives to the fullest with integrity and grace, just as Sam and Terry lived.

The Rizzo family would like to extend their heartfelt thanks and praise to all those that played a role in making the MRI for Brantford a reality and who continue to invest in this critical equipment.

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