Sign up for the BCHS Foundation Hospital Family 50-50 Draw!
The BCHS Foundation thanks you for your support, and for making a difference to local healthcare through your participation in the Hospital Family 50/50 draw. Proceeds from the 50/50 draw support the BCHS and the top priority needs of the Brantford General Hospital and The Willett, Paris. And your fee to enter is conveniently made by payroll deduction.
The Hospital Family 50/50 draw benefits both our patient equipment fund and the bi-weekly draw winners. We hope you’ll help us raise critically needed funds and share in the fun! If you wish to participate in the 50/50 draw, please sign up using the form below.
The BCHS Hospital Family 50/50 draw takes place the Friday of each pay week in the Brantford General Hospital cafeteria. Participants do not need to be present to be eligible to win. BCHS Foundation staff will contact winners and make arrangements to receive their prize via cheque. Winner names and prize amounts are also posted on the Foundation information board in the BGH Cafeteria, and on the BCHS Intranet site.
Overall draw participation and jackpot amounts may vary slightly from draw to draw due to casual & part-time staff that are not actively participating in the pay period.
If you are a Physician, Volunteer, or other employee not on BCHS payroll and would like to participate, please visit the BCHS Foundation office located in the Brantford General Hospital A Wing Level 1. For more information please contact the Foundation office at foundation@bchsys.org or call x5510
If you wish to cancel your participation in the 50/50 draw please email your details to payrolldepartment@bchsys.org