BCHS Foundation Hosts 2nd Annual Iftar Dinner

On March 18th, the BCHS Foundation proudly hosted our 2nd annual Iftar Dinner. Iftar is a meal taken by Muslims at sundown to break the daily fast during Ramadan.

Nearly 100 attendees gathered at the Brantford General and, before breaking their fast, were welcomed by remarks from members of the Brant Community Healthcare System, the BCHS Foundation, and other local dignitaries.

“As we gather to break our fast, let us reflect on the significance of Ramadan and the values it embodies: compassion, generosity, and unity” stated Erin Sleeth, BCHS Vice President of People, Culture & Corporate Infrastructure. “These values are at the heart of our mission at BCHS, guiding us in our efforts to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging”. Sleeth also highlighted the BCHS’s ‘I Belong’ campaign, noting how it features “a diversity of our people and communities, and emphasizes that BCHS is an organization where everyone belongs. When individuals feel that they they truly belong, they can show up as their authentic selves’ leading to deeper engagement, stronger connections, and a more cohesive team.  By fostering an environment where everyone feels included and genuinely valued, we are building trust, connection, and security amongst our staff and the community we serve”.

Dr. Ruby Latif, BCHS Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion addressed the importance of community outreach, and how “We want to create spaces of safety, spaces where community can connect with us”. Latif announced a new pilot program in conjunction with BCHS Human Resources and the Muslim Association of Brantford about how to approach a career in healthcare, offering advice, resume assistance, and sharing stories from Muslim staff at the BCHS.

Dr. Azra Khan, Diagnostic Imaging remarked that when she came to the BCHS 22 years ago, “I was the diversity within the hospital and in the community. So it’s great to see how many people have come to this wonderful community, how many people utilize this space. I truly believe people want to see themselves reflected in the spaces they inhabit. It’s amazing to have the place that you work at… to feel that your hospital wants to include you, wants you to be represented”. Khan encouraged everyone to “volunteer, participate, and make sure that you impact… the patient experience while you’re here, because there’s a huge drive to make that better and to be inclusive”.

Local Imams Shaikh Subhan (pictured above) and Abu Noman Tarek also addressed the attendees and led the prayer. Imam Subhan stated that “Once a year, something extraordinary happens for every single Muslim. The world opens up, the heart opens up, the soul takes control… and that is Ramadan”. He added “We give to charity not because we have to, but because we are blessed to… [Ramadan] is the one time of year you will see the billionaire and the beggar, the king and the servant, standing side by side. Both are thirsty, both are hungry, both are praying… May this be a night of understanding and of connection and humanity. And may it remind us that there is something bigger than us in the end”.

Naser Hamed, BCHS Board of Directors and President of the Muslim Association of Brantford (above, right) noted “It is our responsibility as community members to give back to the community, to give back to healthcare. We know how hard the healthcare workers and the people in the hospital [work]. Mr. Hamed then introduced Ijaz Tahir, President of ICNA Relief Canada (above, left) who pledged to continue to work with the BCHS in addition to making a generous $10,000 donation.

Kari Wilson, Executive Director of the BCHS Foundation thanked ICNA Relief Canada for their generosity. In her closing remarks, Wilson noted that “I have seen the evolution of this community… of Brantford, Paris, and all of our surrounding areas, and the work that we do in the Foundation, and the connections we’re able to make in the community”.  She added that “Last year’s Iftar Diner proved to us…. the amazing sense of community, the gratitude, friendship, and the warmth and welcoming. It is our pleasure, and we are truly honoured to be able to do this again.”

Please visit our Facebook page to view a photo gallery from the event

The BCHS Foundation would like to thank all who attended and made our 2nd annual Iftar Dinner an overwhelming sucess. Thank you also to Rangoli Restaurant and Chaiiwala for catering the delicious meal.

Zakat, the act of charitable giving, is one of the pillars of Islamic belief. Each donation of one’s surplus food or money represents a purification of the soul. Gifts given during this holy month provide an even greater spiritual reward, while also providing a Ramadan blessing to someone less fortunate. This Ramadan, please consider supporting local healthcare. By making a donation or giving your Zakat to the BCHS Foundation you help purchase critically needed equipment to benefit patient care at the Brant Community Healthcare System.

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