Ignite – the all new, bigger and better BCHS Foundation Gala presented by ProResp!
The BCHS Foundation invites you to join us on Friday September 20, 2024 at our NEW location – the Affinity Conference Centre for the Ignite Gala, presented by ProResp. A fabulous evening in support of Diagnostic Imaging at the Brant Community Healthcare System.
Medical Imaging – Your Health, Our Focus
This year the Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation’s Ignite Gala presented by ProResp will be raising funds in support of Medical Imaging at the BCHS.
203,915 diagnostic imaging procedures were performed at the BCHS during the 2023-2024 fiscal year. This busy department at the needs your help. Due to several pieces of equipment being end of life, to ensure uninterrupted and continuing service to the community, and to take advantage of technological improvements which would benefit our patients, the BCHS requires multiple pieces of imaging equipment over the next couple of years. From digital mammography to ultrasound technology, to a gamma camera and MRI. Together, the cost to replace this necessary technology totals over $6 million.
Golden Ticket Raffle

Thank you to everyone who entered the Golden Ticket Raffle, and congratulations to the winner of 2Economy Class return tickets for travel to anywhere Air Canada flies, Sherry Kerr!
Prize provided by the Air Canada Foundation. Prize value $9,200. Winner to be drawn at the Ignite Gala presented by ProResp on Friday September 20, 2024 at 9:30 pm the Affinity Conference Centre 30 Fen Ridge Ct Brantford ON. Entrants do not need to be present at the Gala to win. Maximum 150 tickets available for purchase prior to the Gala, only 300 tickets available in total. Raffle open to Ontario residents only, must be 18 years of age or older to enter. Licensed by the Brant Community Healthcare System Foundation, lottery license # MM849598
Thank You To Our Sponsors!
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Thanks To

Golden Ticket Sponsor

Printing Sponsor

Wine Sponsor

The Auctionista